Wednesday, April 28, 2010

East Canton's Cody Marshall broke his own Stark County record in the Pole Vault on Tuesday with a vault of 15'3".

Check out more of Tuesday's Stark County results from the Canton Repository

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poland Invitational 2010 results
The 15th Poland Invitational Track & Field Classic was run today at Poland Seminary High School Stadium. The meet featuring 24 boys teams and 26 girls teams started at 9:15 a m and concluded at 3:15 p.m. Team champions were St. Vincent St Mary with CVCA and Austintown Fitch finishing 2nd and 3rd on the girls side. On the boys side Warren G. Harding was a winner scoring 110 points while CVCA was 2nd and Canfield was 3rd. MVP in the boys running events was Andrew Zitnik, Warren G. Harding who won the 100 (10.77 wind aided) and the 200 (21.52 wind aided) he also was on the winning 4 x 200 meter relay and the winning 4 x 100 meter relay.Lauren Schattinger -Lakeview, won both the 100 (12.45) and the 200 (25.42).

Iron Bulldog winners (most points scored in the meet); Shatasia Walker (23)-Youngstown Chaney and Andrew Zitnik-Warren G. Harding (25)

Field Events MVPs were: Dustin Brode of Canfield who shattered the discus record with a toss of 198' 6" and the shot put 67' 10.25" both new Poland Invitational Records.
Ali Tolich, Austintown Fitch broke the Poland discus record with a toss of 148' 1" and was 2nd in the shot put.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brode Sets two meet records at County Meet

Dustin Brode of Canfield, a senior, who has set records in virtually every meet he has entered this season set two meet records at the 98th Mahoning County Track Meet saturday. Dustin broke the discuss record with a toss of 184' 6". In the shot put he threw the iron ball 66' 5" good for 3rd in the Dye Stat Elite 100 national rankings. Dustin will continue his record-setting pace at the Poland Invitational next weekend at Poland High School.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Site Design

This is our new site design. We hope to give you more consistent content and coverage of High School Track and Field in Northeast Ohio. If anyone is interested in contributing to our site with either pictures, video, or text content, please contact us.